Počet záznamů: 1  

Australian e-journal for the advancement of mental health

  1. Title statementAustralian e-journal for the advancement of mental health [elektronický zdroj] : AeJAMH.
    Issue dataBedford Park, SA : Australian Network for Promotion, Prevention, and Early Intervention for Mental Health, [2002-
    Year, No.Vol. 1, issue 1 (Mar. 2002)-
    NoteTitle from issue table of contents screen (viewed June 3, 2002).. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2, issue 1 (Mar. 2003).
    Another responsib.Australian Network for Promotion, Prevention, and Early Intervention for Mental Health.
    Subj. Headings Health Sciences - Psychiatry& Psychology * Social Sciences - Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling * Mental health - Periodicals. * Health promotion - Periodicals. * Mental illness - Prevention - Periodicals. * Mental Health - Periodicals. * Health Promotion - Periodicals. * Mental Disorders - prevention& control - Periodicals.
    Availibilityplný text je přístupný pouze v rámci počítačové sítě UJEP nebo prostřednictvím vzdáleného přístupu
    URLSFX JIB services (Plný text)
    Document kindElectronic journal
Počet záznamů: 1  

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