Search results

  1. Allgemeine Siedlungsgeographie / Axel Borsdorf, Oliver Bender   .  Wien ; Köln ; Weimar :  Böhlau,  c2010 . 457 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    rakouská knihovna10/000
  2. Americans Against the City : Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth Century   .  Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 . 1 online zdroj
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    elektronické knihy01/000
  3. Architektura v Ústí nad Labem na přelomu 19. a 20. století = The Architecture in Usti nad Labem from the of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century [rukopis] / Lucie Kabrlová   .  2008 . 102 l., [1] l. obr. příl.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    sklad C00/100
  4. Banská Bystrica : premeny mesta a spoločnosti : štúdie k antropológii mesta a spoločnosti / editor Jolana Darulová   .  Banská Bystrica :  Univerzita Mateja Bela,  1999 . 153 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    kat. historie FF00/100
  5. Bytové kolonie v Lounech na přelomu 19. a 20. století / Dita Rusová   .  2024 . 185 stran, 9 nečíslovaných stran příloh
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    sklad C00/100
  6. Cities and the making of modern Europe, 1750-1914 / Andrew Lees and Lynn Hollen Lees   .  Cambridge :  Cambridge University Press,  2007 . xii, 300 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    kat. historie FF00/100
  7. Cities in time : temporary urbanism and the future of the city / Ali Madanipour   .  London ; Oxford ; New York ; New Delhi ; Sydney : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017 . xi, 198 stran
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    volný výběr10/000
  8. Cities of the world : world regional urban development / edited by Stanley D. Brunn, Maureen Hays-Mitchell, and Donald J. Zeigler   .  Lanham :  Rowman & Littlefield,  2012 . xxxiii, 632 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    volný výběr10/000
  9. Cities, economic competition, and urban policy / edited by Nick Oatley   .  London :  Paul Chapman Publishing,  c1998 . xiii, 238 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    sklad E10/000
    GE - Raška Mgr.00/100
  10. The community in urban society / Larry Lyon, Robyn Driskell   .  Long Grove :  Waveland Press,  c2012 . xiv, 282 s.
    Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations
    sklad B10/000

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