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- 10 kapitol ke statistické analýze konjunktury / Jaroslav Jílek, Zoja Pourová . V Praze : Vysoká škola ekonomická, Fakulta informatiky a statistiky, 2001 . 182 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad D 1 0/0 0 0 volný výběr 2 0/0 0 0 - 3000 solved problems in linear algebra / by Seymour Lipschutz . New York : McGraw-Hill, c1989 . vii, 480 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations MA - Přibyl Mgr. 0 0/1 0 0 - 3D modelování a virtuální realita / Tomáš Oršulák, Jan Pacina . Ústí nad Labem : Tomáš Mikulenka, 2012 . 63 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations volný výběr 1 0/0 0 0 - A-Z of musculoskeletal and trauma radiology / James R.D. Murray, Erskine J. Holmes, Rakesh R. Misra ; editor, R.R. Misra . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 . xvi, 344 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations volný výběr 1 0/0 0 0 - Abeceda účetních znalostí pro každého / Dana Kovanicová . Praha : Trizonia, 1993 . 306 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad D 4 0/0 0 0 sklad E 1 0/0 0 0 - Abnormal psychology : patterns, issues, interventions / Frank Costin, Juris G. Draguns . New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1989 . 616, [128] s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad B 1 0/0 0 0 - Abnormal psychology : the human experience of psychological disorders / Richard P. Halgin, Susan Krauss Whitbourne ; updated with DSM-IV . Dubuque : Wm. C. Brown, c1994 . xx, 519 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad B 1 0/0 0 0 - Academic English for humanities. Art history / edited by Pavel Waisser ; general editor Manuela E. Gheorghe . Olomouc : Palacký University, 2013 . 315 s.
- Academic vocabulary in use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 . 176 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations volný výběr 1 0/0 0 0 - Academic vocabulary in use : vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 . 173 stran
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations CJ - Izavčuk Mgr. 0 0/1 0 0 CJP - Jelínková Mgr. 0 0/1 0 0 PF - Šimáčková Dita, Mgr. 0 0/1 0 0 volný výběr 1 0/0 0 0