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- Accounting education [elektronický zdroj] . . London, England : Chapman& Hall, c1992- . v.
- Budujeme důvěryhodnou firmu / Ivo Rolný . V Praze : C.H. Beck, 2014 . xiii, 165 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad B 1 0/0 0 0 - Business as a calling : work and the examined life / Michael Novak . New York ; London : The Free Press, 1996 . x, 245 stran
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations kat. politologie a filozofie FF 0 0/1 0 0 - Business ethics [elektronický zdroj] : a European review. . [Oxford] : Blackwell Pub.
- Business ethics : 98/99 / ed. John E. Richardson . Guilford : Dushkin : McGraw-Hill, 1998 . 10, 229 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad D 2 0/0 0 0 - Business ethics : case studies and selected readings / Marianne Moody Jennings . Mason : South-Western, c2012 . 609 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad D 1 0/0 0 0 - Business ethics : case studies and selected readings / Marianne Moody Jennings . Mason : South-Western, c2009 . xvi, 619 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations EK - Fuchsová Ing. 0 1/0 0 0 - Business ethics : managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization / Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 . xxv, 614 s.
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations sklad D 1 0/0 0 0 EK - Fuchsová Ing. 0 1/0 0 0 - Business ethics quarterly [elektronický zdroj]. . Chicago, Ill. : Society for Business Ethics, 1991-
- Česká cesta k podnikatelské etice / Marie Bohatá . Brno : Barrister & Principal, 2020 . 147 stran
Dislocation Available Unavail./Only at library Issued Reservations volný výběr 1 0/0 0 0