Search results
- Analysis of fractured weldment of hadfield steel / Průcha Vojtěch, Kříž Antonín, Žďánský Ondřej, Vnouček Milan . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 19, no. 2, strana 308-313.
- Analysis of weld joint of DX51D steel with AlMg3 alloy made by CMT welding method / David Dobrocky, Petr Dostal, Michal Sustr, Zdenek Pokorny, Zbynek Studeny . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 2, strana 215-221.
- Corrosion and wear resistance of plasma nitrided and duplex treated 42CrMo4 steel / David Kusmic, Doan Than Van, Vojtech Hruby . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 2, strana 259-265.
- Effect of hydraulic oil entering the cutting fluid on the tool life and roughness in milling of structural steel / Alexey Popov, Mikhail Khramenkov . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 19, no. 3, strana 482-486.
- Effect of hydraulic oil entering the cutting fluid on the tool life and roughness in turning of stainless steel / Alexey Popov, Mikhail Khramenkov . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 19, no. 4, strana 664-667.
- Effects of cooling rate in an innovative heat treatment route for high-strength steels / Dagmar Bublíková, Štěpán Jeníček, Josef Káňa, Ivan Vorel . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 1, strana 16-21.
- The heat treatment impact on material properties of 34CrNiMo6 steel / Mariana Janeková, Daniela Koštialiková, Andrej Dubec, Matej Burget, Františka Pešlová . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 6, strana 912-916.
- Influence of chemical composition on layer properties of barrel steels / Zdenek Pokorny, David Dobrocky, Zbynek Studeny . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 6, strana 1007-1010.
- Some aspects of surface integrity after hard milling / Miroslav Neslušan, Mária Čilliková, Juraj Uríček, Anna Mičietová, Čapek, J. . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 18, no. 4, strana 641-644.
- Thermo-mechanical treatment of 0.4C-0.6Mn-2Si steel with various soaking and annealing hold temperatures / Ludmila Kučerová, Martin Bystrianský, Štěpán Jeníček . Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 19, no. 1, strana 95-100.