Number of the records: 1  

Composite external fixators: design with subsequent FEM analysis optimization

  1. Title statementComposite external fixators: design with subsequent FEM analysis optimization / Filip Tomanec, Sona Rusnakova, Jiri Kohut, Martina Kalova
    Personal name Tomanec, Filip (author)
    Another responsib. Rusnáková, Soňa (author)
    Kohut, Jiří (author)
    Kalová, Martina (author)
    Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 19, no. 3, strana 513-517
    Subj. Headings trojrozměrný tisk * chirurgie * fixátory
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect62 - Technika všeobecně
    UDC617-089 * 655.3.066.51 * 62-9:678.027.3
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
    File nameDownloadedSizeComment
    MT_2019_3_26.pdf36701.9 KB
    Composite external fixators: design with subsequent FEM analysis optimization
Number of the records: 1  

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