Number of the records: 1  

Nanofluids application in the drilling process

  1. Title statementNanofluids application in the drilling process / Veikko Shalimba, Bruno Sopko
    Personal name Shalimba, Veikko Lungameni, 1984- (author)
    Another responsib. Sopko, Bruno, 1941- (author)
    Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 18, no. 3, strana 493-498
    Subj. Headings nanočástice * kapaliny * sdílení tepla * nanofluidy
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect539 - Fyzikální stavba hmoty. Jaderná fyzika. Molekulární fyzika
    UDC536.2 * 544.275 * 539.12-022.532
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
    File nameDownloadedSizeComment
    MT_2018_3_25.pdf37510.3 KB
    Nanofluids application in the drilling process
Number of the records: 1  

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