Number of the records: 1
EU productivity and competitiveness
Title statement EU productivity and competitiveness : an industry perspective : can Europe resume the catching-up process? / Mary OďMahony, Bart van Ark (ed.) Main entry-corp. Evropská komise Evropská komise (author) Issue data Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003 Phys.des. 273 s. : il. + 1 DVD ISBN 92-894-6303-1 Edition Enterprice publications Another responsib. OďMahony, Mary (editor)
Ark, Bart van (editor)Subj. Headings konkurence * konkurenceschopnost * produktivita Form, Genre studie Conspect 339 - Obchod 005 - Management. Řízení UDC 005.332.4 * 005.61 * 339.13 Country Lucembursko Language angličtina Document kind Books Call number Barcode Sublocation Volný výběr Info S-EU 180 4212120621 Evrop. dok. středisko EDS 7 Date due 7 days
Number of the records: 1