Number of the records: 1
Calorific values of Miscanthus x giganteus biomass cultivated under suboptimal conditions in marginal soils
Title statement Calorific values of Miscanthus x giganteus biomass cultivated under suboptimal conditions in marginal soils / Diana Nebeská, Josef Trögl, Dominika Žofková, Alena Voslařová, Jiří Štojdl, Valentina Pidlisnyuk Personal name Nebeská, Diana, 1991- (author) Another responsib. Trögl, Josef, 1978- (author)
Žofková, Dominika, 1987- (author)
Voslařová, Alena, 1981- (author)
Štojdl, Jiří, 1985- (author)
Pidlisnyuk, Valentina (author)Source document Studia oecologica Roč. 13 (2019), číslo 1, strana 61-67 Subj. Headings biomasa * energetické rostliny * brownfields * ozdobnice Form, Genre články Conspect 574 - Obecná ekologie UDC 332.33 * 633:620.9 * 620.95 * 582.542.11 * 574.4/.5-026.15 DOI 10.21062/ujep/429.2020/a/1802-212X/SO/13/1/61 Country Česko Language angličtina URL Časopis Studia Oecologica Document kind ARTICLES References - Source document File name Downloaded Size Comment SO2019-separate-VI-61-Nebeska.pdf 18 651.1 KB
Number of the records: 1