Number of the records: 1  

Some aspects of surface integrity after hard milling

  1. Title statementSome aspects of surface integrity after hard milling / Miroslav Neslušan, Mária Čilliková, Juraj Uríček, Anna Mičietová, Čapek, J.
    Personal name Neslušan, Miroslav (author)
    Another responsib. Čiliková, Mária (author)
    Uríček, Juraj (author)
    Mičietová, Anna (author)
    Čapek, J. (author)
    Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 18, no. 4, strana 641-644
    Subj. Headings frézování * broušení * ocel * opotřebení materiálu
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect621 - Strojírenství
    UDC620.193.95 * 669.14 * 621.923 * 621.914
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
    File nameDownloadedSizeComment
    MT_2018_4_21.pdf28762.2 KB
    Some aspects of surface integrity after hard milling
Number of the records: 1  

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