Number of the records: 1  

Collision between a pedestrian and tram – pilot experiment

  1. Title statementCollision between a pedestrian and tram – pilot experiment / Lopot, F., Kubový, P., Jelen, K., Šorfová, M., Tlapáková, E., Rulc, V., Purš, H., Ježdík, R., Svoboda, M.
    Personal name Lopot, František (author)
    Another responsib. Kubový, Petr (author)
    Jelen, Karel (author)
    Šorfová, Monika (author)
    Tlapáková, Eva, 1951- (author)
    Rulc, Vojtěch (author)
    Purš, Hynek (author)
    Ježdík, Roman (author)
    Svoboda, Martin, 1984- (author)
    Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 19, no. 6, strana 998-1002
    Subj. Headings dopravní úrazy * bezpečnost chodců * tramvaje * konstruování * modelování a simulace
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect656 - Doprava
    UDC005.933.1 * 629.433 * 614.864 * 004.94 * 519.86/.87 * 614.8.02/.06:656.05
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
    File nameDownloadedSizeComment
    MT_2019_6_16.pdf5711.8 KB
    Collision between a pedestrian and tram – pilot experiment
Number of the records: 1  

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