Number of the records: 1
The preparation of iron oxide nanoparticles by a self-combustion method
Title statement The preparation of iron oxide nanoparticles by a self-combustion method / Ondřej Seibert, Jan Grégr, Pavel Kejzlar Personal name Seibert, Ondřej (author) ISSN 1213-2489 Another responsib. Grégr, Jan, 1941- (author)
Kejzlar, Pavel (author)Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 19, no. 4, strana 680-684 Subj. Headings samovznícení * nanočástice * oxidy kovů Form, Genre články Conspect 620.1/.2 - Nauka o materiálu UDC 662.612.13 * 546.3-31 * 539.12-022.532 DOI 10.21062/ujep/355.2019/a/1213-2489/MT/19/4/680 Country Česko Language angličtina Document kind ARTICLES References - Source document File name Downloaded Size Comment MT_2019_4_24.pdf 21 559.7 KB
Number of the records: 1