Number of the records: 1
Advanced CAD/CAM techniques for 5-axis machining of free-form surfaces
Title statement Advanced CAD/CAM techniques for 5-axis machining of free-form surfaces / Nguyen Van Tuong Personal name Tuong, Nguyen Van (author) ISSN 1213-2489 Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 19, no. 2, strana 332-336 Subj. Headings přímé kovové laserové spékání * CAD/CAM systémy * obrábění Form, Genre články Conspect 621 - Strojírenství UDC 621.746:004.896 * 621.9 * 004.896 DOI 10.21062/ujep/292.2019/a/1213-2489/MT/19/2/332 Country Česko Language angličtina Document kind ARTICLES References - Source document File name Downloaded Size Comment MT_2019_2_27.pdf 33 455.2 KB
Number of the records: 1