Number of the records: 1  

Analysis of weld joint of DX51D steel with AlMg3 alloy made by CMT welding method

  1. Title statementAnalysis of weld joint of DX51D steel with AlMg3 alloy made by CMT welding method / David Dobrocky, Petr Dostal, Michal Sustr, Zdenek Pokorny, Zbynek Studeny
    Personal name Dobrocký, David (author)
    Another responsib. Dostál, Petr (author)
    Šustr, Michal (author)
    Pokorný, Zdeněk (author)
    Studený, Zbyněk (author)
    Source document Manufacturing Technology Vol. 18, no. 2, strana 215-221
    Subj. Headings svarové spoje * svařování * ocel * slitiny hliníku
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect621 - Strojírenství
    UDC621.791 * 669.715 * 669.14 * 621.791.052/.053
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
    File nameDownloadedSizeComment
    MT_2018_2_8.pdf491.2 MB
    Analysis of weld joint of DX51D steel with AlMg3 alloy made by CMT welding method
Number of the records: 1  

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