Number of the records: 1  

The meaning of metropolises in regional development on the example of Wroclaw

  1. Title statementThe meaning of metropolises in regional development on the example of Wroclaw / Stanislaw Korenik
    Personal name Korenik, Stanisław (author)
    Source document Regional development and planning Regional Development and Planning s. 66-72
    Subj. Headings regionální rozvoj * metropole * zaměstnanost * hrubý domácí produkt
    Subj. Headings Vratislav (Polsko)
    Form, Genre články
    Conspect332 - Regionální ekonomie, regionální ekonomika
    UDC(438) * 332.055.2 * 711.432 * 911.375.3 * 331.526 * 351.83 * 330.55
    Document kindARTICLES
    References - Source document
Number of the records: 1  

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