Filosof, vysokoškolský pedagog, specializace na indickou filosofii, zejména budhismus a bráhmanismus.
Source data found
Eltschinger, Vincent, Krasser, Helmut a Taber, John: Can the Veda speak?: Dharmakīrti against Mīmāṃsā exegetics and Vedic authority: an annotated translation of PVSV 164,24-176,16. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2012 (odkaz viz) ; LC (Names), cit. 9. 5. 2013 (autoritní forma, datum narození) ; www(John Taber, Professor, Department of Philosophy - University of New Mexico), cit. 9. 5. 2013 (biografické údaje)
File of personal names and family names
(1) - Books
Number of the records: 1
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