Počet záznamů: 1  

Conspiracy theories

  1. DA 5870
    Harák, Jan, 1992-
    Conspiracy theories : a system of disbeliefs / Jan Harák. -- 2015. -- Nestránkováno + 1 CD. -- Vedoucí práce Mark Andrew Brandon. -- Název a text práce v anglickém jazyce. -- Abstrakt: This thesis focuses on conspiracy theories, relations among them, reasons why people believe in conspiracy theories rather than in the official version. This thesis is trying to prove that conspiracy theories are a system based on disbelief in the official versions. The used method is analyzing a number of researches done on this subject and pointing out the most alarming findings. This thesis also analyzes theories of conspiracy theories by Richard Hofstadter and Michael Barkun.
    Brandon, Mark Andrew. Univerzita J.E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. Katedra anglistiky
    konspirační teorie. politické intriky. conspiracy theory. official version. bakalářské práce
    323.26/.27+327.88. 327.88. (043)378.22

Počet záznamů: 1  

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